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.Partly to feed, partly to ensure Becca had a dose of his poison in her system.I gave a little gasp, but Peter hushed me, fascinated by the proceedings.Becca’s moans filled the night air.They could have been a randy human couple to a casual bystander.The needle, an act of a drug addict.There was a reasonable explanation for everything.After a couple of minutes, the vampire let go and pushed Becca away from him, then he walked through the sand as if he knew exactly where he was going.Looking a little disoriented, Becca stumbled after him.“What should we do?” I whispered.“If we follow them to Gideon’s, we’ve as good as lost them.”“We confront them then.Try and persuade Becca to rat on the others.If we hold that vamp, it’ll open up some questions about how he got here and why.The Council doesn’t allow foreign vampires to travel to Ireland freely, not without a pass.Come on,” he said, his heart racing noisily.I followed him warily.Catching a vampire was a lot harder than killing one, but we’d done it before.This time Becca was the unknown; we didn’t know what a fresh dose of formula would do for her.As we closed in on the pair, a blinding light shone on us.“Halt,” demanded a voice.A group of Guardians surrounded us.“Not now,” I muttered.“It’s time for you to prepare for your trial,” one of them said, looking rather happy about it.I looked around in a panic; Becca and the vampire were getting away.I couldn’t leave it now, not after everything.“Esther!” Peter called out.Esther ran, pushing between the Guardians to get to us.“I’m so sorry,” she said, pity etched on her face.“Gabe called you in early.”“Never mind that,” I said.“Becca got the delivery.”A Guardian snapped a tag on my wrist and began to lead me away.Peter held Esther’s arm and tried to speak to her in urgent tones, but I was pushed into a Guardian jeep and driven away immediately.Disappointment sank into my stomach like a dead weight.I had been so close, yet I was still on my way to the trial and totally unprepared.I hadn’t expected them to come for me so soon, and now I wouldn’t even find out if they confronted Becca.Dejected, I sank into the backseat and avoided the eyes of the Guardians.The long journey back to the Council’s court was over within seconds, or so it seemed.I was thrown into the same room as before and told to wait.There was nothing else I could do.Chapter FourteenI changed as the Guardians watched, not leering this time, just seeming impatient.“Let’s go,” one said, as soon as I was ready.Again, I had to wear the same plain dress, my hair loose and my feet bare.Yet they let me keep the cross around my neck.It physically hurt when they took my clothes, thus carrying the dagger away with them.Trembling with nerves, I shuffled after the Guardians, the anticipation chilling me beyond measure.I had no plan, no way out.All I could do was stay strong and hope for the best, the best being a miracle.This time, the marquee-type structure was much bigger.Lots of people gathered outside.Many looked human, but others could have stepped out of the book on hell spawn.They all watched me with interest, some of them with cool hatred in their eyes.They leaned forward, waiting to see a spectacle, a dead woman walking.Eddie was already waiting for me when the Guardians forced me toward the ring of scorched earth.He made a frustrated noise and ran his fingers through my hair.“Jesus, Eddie,” I snapped, pulling away from him.He held his hands out in front of me, placating me.“Please.It’s wild you look.We need you innocent, helpless.Are you still wearing the cross?”I instinctively threw my hand up to my chest.I nodded, staying silent as the reality set in.“Let them see it.Let them see you aren’t so dark that the light burns you, Ava.”I had no idea what he was talking about.He was jumpier than usual and muttering half to himself, but I let the cross dangle in clear sight.I looked around, seeing no one I recognised.The flames lit, trapping me.After a few minutes, Aiden, giving me a brief, curt nod, led the rest of the consultants in.That set up a loud rumbling in the crowd, and I looked around in a panic, wondering what was happening.They were merely discussing things amongst themselves, but it felt like they were accusing me of something [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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