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.Now Beka was the one zonked out.“Just thinking.”“I did a lot of that on the plane trip home.”“Really?” He kept his gaze on the road and strove for casual.“About what happened in New York?”There was no mirth in her drowsy chuckle.“What happened in New York? You mean watching my dream die on the vine?” She laid her head against the seat and closed her eyes again.“What was it? Some kind of audition?” He knew he shouldn’t keep pushing.But if he was going to protect his heart—and ultimately Beka—from history repeating itself, he felt like he had to.She blinked her eyes several times then nodded slowly.“Possibly my last audition.And suffice it to say, it didn’t go well.”“You’re giving up acting?”She shrugged.“I’m thinking seriously about it.”The raw pain in her voice kept him from feeling any pleasure.“I’m sorry, Crys.That must be tough.”She sat up straight and rubbed her hand across her face.“It’s my decision.”“I’ll be praying you make the right one.”She mumbled something he didn’t catch.“What?”She shook her head.“Nothing.Thanks for your prayers.I need them.”He could sense her defeat and it hurt.“Sometimes dreams just need to be redefined.”She looked over at him.“What about you? What’s your dream?”He shrugged.“When I was growing up in south Arkansas, Dad worked in a factory.Everybody assumed I’d work there, too, when I got out of school.But Dad and I wanted to own a cattle ranch.He socked away every cent he could save.And when I got out of high school, I went to college to get an agri/business degree.Dad and I went over the things I learned together.”“Then they discovered natural gas on your land.”He nodded.“And we were able to go ahead with our plan a little sooner than we’d thought.”“That’s really cool.”They rode in silence for a half mile or so, then Crystal shifted around in her seat to face him.“Let me ask you a question.”He glanced over at her.“Okay.”“What if your dad had changed his mind and decided to retire to Florida? Or died?” Her voice grew soft.“Would you still have bought a ranch?”He stared out at the road, searching for an honest answer.“You know, it’s impossible to say what we’d do in a situation until we’re in it, but I think so.We’re just two people who happen to have the same dream.Sharing it is a bonus but not a necessity.” He looked at her.Was she thinking of her and her sister and their joint dream to go to Broadway? Was that why she wanted to quit? Because she felt guilty for doing what her sister wasn’t here to do?“I guess if Dad changed his mind, that’s when my dream would have to be redefined.Instead of the two of us owning ranches side by side, I’d have to concentrate on my own love of the outdoors and of cattle in particular.” He grinned.“I’d learn to be the Lone Rancher.”She groaned.“That was bad.” But her lips tilted back up into a smile as they turned off the highway onto the gravel road.When he pulled up in front of the ranch house, he jumped out and lifted her bags out of the back.She walked up on the porch and unlocked the door.“You can just set the bags inside the door.I’ll get them later.”He started to argue but he hated to leave Beka asleep in the truck.One of the repercussions of the kidnapping—even though Lindsey was dead and he knew the McCord ranch was a safe place—he panicked when Beka wasn’t in his sight.Hopefully that would pass with a little time.He set the bags down and stepped back onto the porch.Crystal’s smile was bleak as she turned to face him.“Thanks again.For everything.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek.He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss away her sadness.But he had just prayed for wisdom.And he knew that wouldn’t be wise right now.For either of them.***The music woke her from a dream where the last curtain had fallen but the orchestra wouldn’t quit playing.She rolled over and felt around on the floor by the sofa until her hand closed around the phone.“Hello.”“Crystal?” The tender concern in Jeremy’s voice sent shivers down her spine.“Are you okay? Did you get a nap?”“Yes.I guess I was so tired I fell asleep on the sofa.” She sat up and rubbed her eyes with her free hand.“I’m wide awake now though.What’s up?”“Beka and I were wondering if you were hungry.” She could hear the smile in his voice.“She fixed tuna salad sandwiches and thought you might like us to bring you one.”“That sounds wonderful.Tell her I’d love one.” Crystal stuck her feet into her sandals.“Bring yours, too, if you haven’t eaten, and we’ll eat together.”“Sounds perfect.We’ll be right over.”She hurried to the bathroom, washed her face, and put her hair up in a ponytail.At least she didn’t look as tired as she had earlier.Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang and she rushed to answer it.Jeremy had his hands on Beka’s shoulders.Beka, wearing a white apron with CHEF emblazoned on the front of it, grinned broadly and held up a plate of sandwiches.“I made these myself.”Crystal stepped back and Beka sashayed by her, heading to the kitchen as fast as her chubby little legs would carry her.“Don’t come in yet,” she called over her shoulder.Jeremy gave Crystal a rueful grin and shrugged.“She has a plan.”Crystal raised her eyebrow.“That’s what I like.A girl with a plan.”“She insisted on my calling her ‘miss’ after she put on the apron.”Crystal almost laughed at the confusion on his face.“She’s playing my two favorite games.Pretend and dress up.”He leaned around as if he could see through the crack of the kitchen door.“Do you think we should check on her?”“Nope.I think she’s just fine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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