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.“But we will if we stay here.” Cordoba and Milner were already wading through the grass; Smith was nearly on the road.“Come on, we’ll jump together.”“All right,” she agreed.I offered my hand and she clasped onto it tight.I knew the jump down would jar my shoulder and the impact would more than likely work its way up to my split head, of course that was if we didn’t land directly right on top of a mine.“Let’s go,” I whispered.She nodded, we shuffled to the edge of the Humvee and leapt into the grass.I was right about the pain in my head and shoulder but luckily wrong about jumping straight onto a land mine.Smith reached the road and returned covering fire with a few well aimed shots with his M-9.A couple of the sack hooded freaks shrieked in pain and went down.The hubbub of muffled chat rose in volume and they took aim solely at Smith.He had no cover of any kind but kept moving left and right between the curb, around one hundred feet from the army of goons.Milner sprinted the last few yards across the grass, yelling a gung-ho, do or die war cry.He made it unscathed to the road.In one fluid movement, he whipped the M-16 around, off the sling from his shoulder, crouched into a firing stance, took aim and returned fire.More hooded freaks dropped and they began retreating back to the shadows of the nearby buildings a few at a time.Cordoba reached the road, dropped to one knee and fired a few shots with her M-9.I saw a few orange sparks of bullet ricochets on the blacktop around the three of them and hoped the shaky aim of the hooded guys would remain bad.Batfish breathed heavily through her broken nose and she made a wheezing, whimpering sound with every inhalation.We plodded slowly forward, I resisted the urge to run through the grass and get this awful situation over and done with, one way or another.I had no clue what we were going to do if and when we made it to the roadside.We had no vehicle, darkness was almost upon us, we’d lost Chief Cole and we were getting fired on by a bunch of hooded mutants.But I had to focus all my attention on the job in hand, getting through this damn mine field.Every step I took was a potentially fatal one.I felt my head spin again as a fresh wave of nausea, pain and stress washed over me.I nearly went over but Batfish pulled back on my arm.“You all right, Brett?”I defied the urge to puke and rode out another wave of queasiness.I turned to Batfish.“Never better,” I lied.“Come on, not far to go.”“I’m scared, Brett,” Batfish whispered.“Yeah, me too.”We trod slowly, knowing we had to keep going forward.There was no going back.Smith, Milner and Cordoba picked their shots carefully due to the limited amount of ammunition we had.The hooded guys seemed to be vanishing rapidly into the shadows and their gunshots became more sporadic.Their shooting was no match for my three companions and they were taking heavy casualties.Our aggressors shuffled away between the buildings and the gun fire ceased from both sides.Our troubles weren’t over as Batfish and I still had to successfully cross the last few yards on the mine field.How had a simple operation that was supposed to consist of jump starting and driving some vehicles a few miles turned to this dire situation?“Stop still if you hear a click under your boot,” Smith instructed.“Now you tell us, Smith,” I mockingly scolded.“I’ve been hearing clicks with every step but I think it’s just my body hating me right now.”“Quit goofing around, kid,” Smith growled.“This shit is serious.”“All right,” I protested.“I was just trying to lighten the mood.”“You sure pick your moments, kid.I’ll give you that,” Smith sighed.“I wish we could lighten our footsteps and levitate over this damn field,” Batfish said.If I was a betting type of guy, I wouldn’t have laid good odds on all of us crossing the mine field successfully.Any moment, I was expecting to hear a loud boom followed by a brief, painful floating sensation then scattering myself in small pieces across the field.Batfish and I kept moving toward the road but our steps had become smaller with each stride.Neither of us wanted to be the one to trip a mine underfoot.We were so close, around six feet from the curbside when we heard a thunderous explosion in the field to our left.Our heads swung in unison to the source of the ear splitting noise.A cloud of smoke and mud billowed in the dusk air, around two hundred yards from where we stood.“What the hell set that mine off?” Cordoba shrieked.We caught the whiff of damp soil and hot metal as the smoke cloud drifted over us.“Probably an animal of some kind,” Milner said.“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Smith groaned.As the smoke cleared, we saw at least one hundred zombies stumbling through the field towards us.Chapter SixtyBatfish and I had no choice now but to hurry over the last few feet of grassy ground between us and the road.I bit my bottom lip so hard it hurt, gripped Batfish’s hand tightly and dragged her to the curbside.We both breathed a brief sigh of relief when our feet touched the concrete curbstone blocks.One problem was solved but we’d now landed headlong into another.“Well done, guys, you made it,” Cordoba sighed and gave us both a brief hug.Smith and Milner reloaded their respective weapons and scanned the landscape for a way out.“Shit! Zombies and a mine field behind us, goons with guns to the front of us,” Smith sighed.“And we’ve lost our ride out of here,” Cordoba chipped in, while she reloaded her M-9.“And we lost the Chief,” Milner groaned.“We can get out of this,” Smith grunted.“We’ve got out of worse situations than this.This ‘aint no sweat.”“What do you have in mind?” Milner asked.Smith studied the dark mass of the main buildings where the hooded guys had appeared from.“We can get into those buildings; they’re all interlinked so we can cross a big distance without needing to go back outside.We keep going to our right as far as we can, exit the building, which will bring us back out near that fork in the road.”“Not wanting to be negative, Smith [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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