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. Ho, youmade it, Reji called out cheerfully.  Vikis! Vikis! A small figure blazed out of the camp and towards the beasts.Vikisdismounted quickly and swept his wife into his arms, where she clung to him sobbing andlaughing, his face buried in her hair.Arman and Kei withdrew discreetly to let them havesome privacy.Reji took the reins of their beasts and led them over to where the others in the wagoncaravan were hitched. We ve set aside a tent for them so they can be alone, he told themquietly, nodding at Vikis and Kesa. But it makes your heart glad to see that, doesn t it? Oh yes, Kei said, a little sadly.Then he brightened. So where s my supper, Rei-ki?I m starving! Hey, I m supposed to say that, you jombeker, Reji joked back, clapping his shoulder. Arman, you re walking like a tuktuk, what in hells is wrong with you? Shut up, Arman muttered as he hobbled along.This was so humiliating.He hadn tfelt like this since he d learned to ride at the age of seven. He just needs to get travel hardened, Kei said. Oh, I thought you d been having overenthusiastic sex.My mistake, Reji said, andthen ducked Kei s outraged curse and cuffing hand. Yes, do slap him for me, Arman said irritably.People were calling to them fromaround the fires, and Jena grinned at them.She was holding the baby, and feeding it from abottle.Kei had said they were going to introduce a little of the jombeker milk to Karik sdiet after all, to see if he could tolerate it.They must have picked up the bottle in Urshek.Arman s nascent exhibitionism certainly wasn t up to making love surrounded by fiftyother people, and since he and Kei were only sheltered by the underside of the wagon, itwas too cold for them to want to do much that night but hold each other tight, wrapped inlayers of blankets.It wasn t the most restful night, nor was the next, but Gonji hadpromised they would be billeted in his village or he would insist on knowing why.~~~~~~~~Kei grew quiet that final day as they rode towards Ai-Rutej.Some of it was sadnessabout Jena, Arman guessed.But Ai-Rutej had upset Kei badly the first time he d travelledthrough it, and even though circumstances were now different, Arman suspected he wasstill fearful of the same hostility.Some hate was inevitable.On that account, the hostagesfrom Ai-Vinri were going to ride straight on from Ai-Rutej, since it was thought best not tostrain the patience of the bereaved village.Reji thought their supply situation would hold up well without its help.It would still leave thirty former hostages to travel without breakfrom Ai-Rutej to Ai-Darbin, a journey of ten or so days.Arman had his own reasons forapprehension about returning to Ai-Darbin, of course, but he would never shy away from it.They reached Ai-Rutej in the late afternoon, and the pure joy at the return of theirpeople meant any awkwardness over the presence of four Prij was glossed over.They weremostly ignored in the flurry of welcomes, and the Darshianese hostages were all sweptaway to be fed and billeted.Arman and Kei kept out of the way of the reuniting clan,helping Reji and Vikis settle the beasts and stow the wagons, while Kesa watched, mindingKarik for Jena who had gone to find her lover.No one paid them a bit of attention for overan hour, but then Gonji came to find them and tell them to shift themselves, because ahouse was being provided for them all to share that night. I ll have to be with Pa and Mathis evening, but I ll be here to help you stock tomorrow, he said. Don t go sneaking off,he added. Wouldn t dream of it, Reji said.The village dealt with their foreign guests by not dealing with them.The house waslaid out for them, with food in the larder, beds prepared and a cradle for Karik in whichKesa laid him down to sleep, but no one came to talk or to issue invitations to come eatwith them.It didn t surprise Arman, while Kei seemed rather relieved.Kesa and Vikis werestill wrapped up in each other, but Arman had to wonder if they would be transported backto Urshek as Lord Meki had requested in letters given to Gonji for his father, or whetherthey d have to be collected by the soldiers.He found he was a little worried for the safetyof his former officer, and sternly told himself the Darshianese would not harm these two.They had already had hospitality extended to them.That meant, whatever the clan sopinion, Vikis and Kesa would be protected.Kei courteously offered Kesa and Vikis the first use of the bathing facilities.Reji founda little barrel of beer that had been left for them and broached it with glee, pouring mugs forKei and Arman and then one for himself, taking a mighty pull on it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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