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.MEXIFORNIA Victor Davis Hanson 57easily can shrink an American’s paycheck by a third to a half.Ouryoung professors at California State University, Fresno, some withPh.D.s from Berkeley and Stanford, will be lucky to take home$2,000 a month after deductions—appearing on the pay stub insome ten categories including state, federal, Social Security andMedicare taxes, health, dental and vision insurance fees, stateretirement, parking and union dues.Some undocumented workersin construction can put in 200 hours of work per month, and at$10 cash per hour they match the English professor—without thetie, the decade’s worth of degrees, the need to master the lingo ofpostmodernism, and the entire drain of life insurance, lawn careand braces for the kids.Second, there is the much-remarked-upon gulf betweenthe cost of living in California and the cost of surviving in ruralMexico.Everything from tortillas to changing a tire is a fractionof the price south of the border.If the campesino can go south witha van full of consumer goods unavailable cheaply in Mexico—ste-reos, cell phones, televisions, washers and dryers—the daily tab toeat, sleep and relax in his home pueblo is otherwise rather low.Thedream of the young worker, then, is that he might earn money asa Mexican in America and then go home to live like an Americanin Mexico.There is also a third mystical force in play that explainsthe alien’s zeal to work so hard to acquire American dollars for adream of retuning home.Mexico is a hierarchical society, whereskin color, accent and ancestry determine one’s social place, fromthe upper echelons of Mexico City to the governor’s office inYucatan.Not so in America, whose crass plutocracy has alwaysvalued money above breeding, diction, education, even hue andreligion.In this connection, I think of Pepe Madrigal, who usedto run crews of some six hundred men in Selma, drove a Mercedes,had two diamond rings, and lived in a beautiful home in nearbySanger, not far from my farm.A millionaire here—before the IRSshut him down for failure to forward the FICA deductions of his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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